About me

Me, on Overhanging Rock, viewing Yosemite Falls - Yosemite National Park June 2022

My name is Sam Anderson.  I'm a husband, father, backpacker, and adventurer.  I love traveling to wild and ruggedly beautiful places and I'm passionate about helping others learn to love and appreciate those experiences too.  

I'm an educator by profession (17+ years) and I love adventuring with my amazing wife and four fantastic kids too!

I have a lot of backpacking experience (My travel resume) and I'm always dreaming of where I can travel and explore next.

My newest adventure is founding and operating "605 Adventure LLC" so I can share these awesome experiences with others!

I am certified in CPR and WFA (Wilderness First-Aid) through NOLS, the National Outdoor Leadership School.

Rocky Mountain National Park, July 2020

Kalalau Lookout, Kauai, Hawaii 2019

Ribbon Falls, Grand Canyon 2018

Marlea at Havasu Falls, June 2023

Havasu Falls, June 2023

Swimming at the Confluence of Havasu Creek and the Colorado River at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, June 2023

Making coffee at the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon - Cape Royal sunrise 2018

Viewing Zion Canyon from Angel's Landing 2018

Fort Jefferson at Dry Tortugas National Park, March 2021

Everglades National Park, camping on a chickee, March 2021

Our campsite at Great Sand Dunes National Park, 2020

Buckskin Gulch, Utah 2020

Kauai, Hawaii - Polihale Beach 2019

Tough Mudder 2022

On top of Half Dome, Yosemite, 2022

Overhanging Rock, Yosemite, 2022

Looking down on Half Dome cables

Looking up at Half Dome Cables

Roots of a Sequoia, 2022


Gator Wrestling, 2020

Gator Backpack

Marlea at Awaawapuhi Lookout, Kauai, Hawaii 2019

Soldier Pass Trail, Sedona, AZ

Moro Rock, Sequoia National Park

4-Mile Trail from Yosemite Valley to Glacier Point

Sunset at Great Sand Dunes National Park, July 2020

Dad, please change the caption for this picture!

Viewing Havasu Falls, June 2023

Preparing to climb down to Mooney Falls, June 2023

Me and Marlea!

Family backpacking trip!