Sunset at Great Sand Dunes National Park, July 2020

I've never been backpacking before.  Are you sure I can do it?

Yes! Backpacking is for everyone who can hike and carry a pack! 

Doing new things as an adult can be intimidating, and there’s no doubt that trekking in the wilderness, cooking over camp stoves, and sleeping outside can get you out of your comfort zone. But when you view backpacking as an adventure, you not only open yourself to exciting new possibilities; you might discover talents you weren’t aware of.

Here's an article for you: The Ultimate Guide for Beginner Backpackers

Here's another:  Backpacking 101

How physically fit should I be?

The more fit you are, the more fun it will be for you and everyone around you.  You should be able to hike a few miles with a loaded pack.

The best training is to go hiking with a loaded backpack to further increase your fitness.  Possible locations include Tuthill trails, Great Bear, Blue Mounds State Park, Newton Hills State Park, etc.

Here's a great article: Get out of Hibernation: Fitness Training for Backpacking

Do I need to purchase a bunch of expensive gear?

No!  On the trips, I provide all the gear you'll need including tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and backpacks.  One of my goals is to make sure you don't have to spend a fortune to hike and camp and go backpacking.

Will there be cell service on the trip?

While we're on the road, yes.  When we're hiking in the backcountry, probably not.

Is it awkward to travel with strangers?


Besides, they're not strangers, just friends you haven't met yet.  :-)   

Remember, you already have a lot in common by simply joining this trip - it’s kind of like joining a club of adventurous, like-minded people. 

I want to go, but I don't have a travel partner.  Do solo travelers join these trips?

Absolutely!  This is a great way to combine the safety of a group while retaining the independence of solo travel.

Can I book a trip just for me and my friends/colleagues?

Absolutely!  Create an exclusive adventure just for you and your crew. 

Can I bring my own gear?


What is the minimum age allowed to join?

You must be at least 18 at the time of your trip.  

The exception would be children who are accompanying a parent/guardian.  Parents assume all responsibility for their child and the child must be able to handle the physical demands of the trip.

Are these trips safe?

Yes!  Great care is taken to be as prepared as possible for any scenario.  Life requires daily calculated risk and safety is the absolute highest priority. 

I am CPR-certified, with my most recent training in February 2023.

I am also WFA (Wilderness First-Aid) certified through NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) after taking a two-day course.

I'm an introvert; will I get some time to be alone?

Yes, absolutely.  

Each evening, morning, and portions of each day you will have a chance to be alone.

Can I listen to music with headphones on while I hike?

You could...but I recommend enjoying and noticing the natural sounds when you're in nature.    :-)

While backpacking, will I have to pee outside?


While backpacking, will I have to poop outside?

Maybe, maybe not. It depends if nature calls...

Click Here for a How-to guide to pooping outside.

Can I smoke on the trip?

Nope.  Unless you are on fire; then we will put you out.

Can I bring my pet?

Nope.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

What is the payment policy?

A deposit is due at least 3 months prior to your trip and it's fully refundable up to 60 days prior to departure.  Full payment is due 30 days prior to departure.

What if I need to cancel my trip?

If you cancel before 60 days prior to departure, you will receive a full refund.

If you cancel 31-60 days prior to departure and another traveler fills your spot, you will receive a full refund including your deposit.

If you cancel 31-60 days prior to departure and no one fills your spot, you will receive a refund of all payments except your deposit.  

If you cancel within 30 days of departure and another traveler doesn't fill your spot, you'll receive a 50% refund.  If another traveler fills your spot, you will receive a full refund including your deposit.

What if 605 Adventure cancels my trip?

In this highly unlikely scenario, you will receive a full refund of all payments and your deposit.

What if my trip doesn't have enough participants?

Each trip requires a minimum number of participants. 

If a trip doesn't have enough participants, you will be informed at least 30 days prior to departure.  You may either transfer to another departure date or trip, receive a full refund, or you may pay a supplemental fee to run the trip with fewer participants. 

What are my obligations/responsibilities as a trip member?

Camaraderie is a big part of 605 Adventure trips. Your fellow travelers are people who enjoy being active and exploring the outdoors. We encourage you to carefully review the trip information in order to make good decisions about which trips are right for you.

Keep in mind that different travelers will have different goals, perspectives, experiences and abilities. With that in mind, we ask that the group respect each individual's conditions and needs throughout the trip. We want everyone to enjoy themselves to the fullest. It's likely that fellow travelers will become good friends.

By participating in a 605 Adventure trip, you assume certain obligations to the other trip members. It is your responsibility to uphold the Code of Conduct.

Do you have a code of conduct policy?

I'm glad you asked; here it is!

Code of Conduct Policy 

(AKA, be a good person and do the right thing)

605 Adventure is designed to create a safe community where individuals with a passion for the outdoors can join together to engage in outdoor recreation. Travelers are expected to treat each other with respect at all times.  While participating in trips and activities, reckless behavior that puts other travelers’ safety at risk will not be tolerated. Other behaviors that are unacceptable include: possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of illicit drugs, underage consumption of alcohol, sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment, fighting or threatening violence, and disruptive activity. Violation of this policy will result in immediate removal from the group.

What is your Photography/Video Release Policy?

Participants involved in any activities may be knowingly photographed or videotaped during said activity.  By joining a trip with 605 Adventure, you consent to the use of photographs and/or videos without compensation, on the 605 Adventure website, social media, or in any editorial, promotional or advertising material produced and/or published by 605 Adventure.

What other policies should I be aware of?

Waiver and Release of Liability

Legal Limitations