Travel Principles

Marlea at Grand Canyon, South Kaibab Trail

My Travel Principles:

  • Be Kind to the Environment

  • Be Curious

    • You can spend countless hours reading, watching, and soaking up information about a destination but nothing compares to what you'll learn once you're actually there. Strike up a conversation with a stranger, speak to locals about their favorite spots, and ask your fellow travelers for their tips. Follow your curiosity - you never know where it will lead you.

  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

    • Stepping out of your comfort zone and exposing yourself to different experiences is how you grow!

  • Embrace the unexpected

    • Some of the best and most memorable moments are going to be completely unplanned and spontaneous.

  • Do it for the memories

    • Taking pictures is great but don't forget to put the camera down and just enjoy the moment.

  • Believe in the power of a moment

    • Unforgettable moments are the spice of life! Expect to experience moments of inspiration, learning, and new perspectives.