Why Travel with 605 Adventure?

Garden of the Gods, near Colorado Springs, CO - July 2020

When you take a trip with 605 Adventure, you're not just joining a trip – you're embracing an experience.  You'll immerse yourself in an outdoor adventure filled with wonderful contrasts: spontaneous yet purposeful, intimate yet communal. Each carefully crafted itinerary balances exhilaration, relaxation, and camaraderie.  Each guest will enjoy connections with fellow adventurers, get experienced insights from your guide, and access hidden gems that promise surprises at every turn!

"Travel moves us - literally, intellectually, and emotionally - to beautiful places out in the world, and to important places deep within ourselves.  Travel asks us to break the bonds of inertia and routine and push ourselves out of our chairs, out of the house, and out of our sometimes-too-comfortable comfort zones, and into new experiences that inspire us, change us, move us."  - Off the Beaten Path

"The rewards for all that pushing and moving are considerable.  Chances are, if you're reading this, you already know: travel heartens us.  Moving, exploring, discovering - these pursuits make us feel alive and happy.  On the best trips, we burst with a sense of fullness, even as we feel extraordinarily light.  We come home renewed, rejuvenated, and reawakened to life's possibilities."  - OBP

This could be the start of a lifetime of adventure travel for you!

Click here for a list of many other great reasons!  

"A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot. - Joe Vitale"